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QDNA® Health
Quantum Health |
Recode Your Brain To Win The War Of Addiction |
Cognitive Biological Reprogramming™ With
Epigenetics And Neuroplasticity
By Marina Rose, QDNA®
Neuroplasticity | Epigenetics | Biological Reprogramming |
December 01, 2017
“If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.”
— Wayne Dryer, Best-Selling Author of The Power of Intention
And Other Best-Sellers
Americans often think of ourselves as special. The ones consistently far out on the leading edge of technology, medicine, music, fashion, cultural trends and much more.
Whether we actually are or not is highly debatable, but when it comes to the culture of drugs and addiction, the debate ends here, as statistics show that we are indeed quite special—or at least dramatically different from everyone else in the rest of the Western world—and for precisely all the wrong reasons.
According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) global survey, Americans are more likely to try illegal drugs more than anyone else in the world, despite our criminal drug laws being some of the most stringent. Take Cannabis for instance. More than 52% of Americans have tried marijuana, while less than 20% of the Dutch have done so—despite its long-term legalization in the Netherlands.
Not surprising, Americans are also number one in the use of legal and prescription drugs.
Studies show that one in eight American adults is addicted to alcohol and nearly seven in ten to prescription drugs, both devastating silent killers ending the lives of nearly 150 Americans each and every day.
Despite the “War On Drugs”, it’s a war that unfortunately we appear to be losing.
More Americans die from substance abuse each year than were killed in the entire twenty-year span of the Vietnam War--and as far as we can tell the numbers are growing.
The US has been fighting drug abuse for almost a century. Four US Presidents have personally declared war on drugs, yet America now finds itself in a crisis that has truly reached epidemic proportions.
So pervasive is the problem, that statistics show more than 40 million Americans over the age of 12 meet the clinical criteria for addiction, and nearly half of all US adults have a close friend or family member who is suffering from some form of substance abuse. That’s almost half of the entire adult population that is touched by addiction.
What’s more, addiction is a highly controversial word, according to how we define it. This makes talking about addiction and other mental health issues extremely difficult.
Many perceive addiction as an inevitable byproduct of our many socio-economic ills, or on the flip side, an accessory to our coveted materialistic and decadent lifestyles. Others see it as merely a weakness of character. However, for the addict, the shame, fear and anxiety associated with addiction leads many to feel resistant to exposing their flaws and vulnerabilities to others, suffering alone without adequate help, thus keeping this dangerous epidemic forever hidden and lurking in the shadows.
And as difficult as it is to talk about and define, no doubt addiction is even more difficult to successfully treat.
Many recovery and treatment centers are now extremely outdated and have yet to incorporate the most cutting-edge discoveries in genetics and neuroscience into their treatment approach. They also lack a holistic mind-body integration, which often keeps patients trapped in a life-long cycle of reoccurring chronic struggle, never fully healing the core neurobiological and emotional issues that impact physical brain chemistry and make them most vulnerable. As a result, many often succumb to their addictions and simply don’t make it.
Yet fortunately, addiction is now finally being lifted from the shadows and benefiting greatly from groundbreaking research in Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, two cutting-edge sciences that have revolutionized the way we think about our brains, genes and addiction.
Epigenetics, meaning “above-the-gene”, is the study of changes in our gene expression that do not directly involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence, in turn affecting how cells read the genetic information. It refers to how gene expression changes throughout our life and is flexible, not written in stone. Epigenetic studies now show that everything from environment to diet and nutrition—and even our emotions and beliefs—all have a profound effect on our Epigenetic gene expression, with the ability to affect how genes turn off and on, creating a profound impact on our health and well-being, with dramatic implications for understanding and treating addiction.
Neuroplasticity is the science of the brain's amazing capacity to change and adapt, forming new neural connections throughout life in response to training or changes in environment--compensating for injury or illness--or simply improving in any aspect of life, like increasing creativity, strengthening artistic or physical abilities, or building Emotional Intelligence or higher IQ. We now know that the brain and its neurobiological make up are not fixed at birth, as previously thought, but instead has a lifelong ability to adapt and change.
Today, these two new sciences are helping us to better understand that addiction is not merely a result of lifestyle or character, but rather is highly influenced by our genes and brain’s natural neurobiological chemistry.
In fact, groundbreaking research in Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, have proven that not only are our brains continually changing, but that we also have a tremendous amount of control over how our genetic traits are expressed as well.
For those who suffer from depression, loneliness, stress or other high addiction risk emotional issues—or are unlucky enough to have neurobiological imbalances or received unwanted or unhealthy DNA patterns that lead to addiction--emerging new treatments based on the latest science hold the key to unlocking our cognitive biological programming™, allowing us to recode the brain and to change our gene expression at any time in our lives. Not only to win the war of addiction, but to accelerate our potential to improve our overall health and wellbeing, and to live a happy and more fulfilling life as well.
The Science of Addiction
Despite important breakthroughs in science that have radically improved our understanding, addiction is still often misunderstood. Even today, it’s mistakenly thought that those with addiction are weak, lack moral principles or willpower, and that they could stop their addiction at any time simply by choosing to. In reality, addiction is a complex neurobiological disease, and quitting usually takes much more than just good intentions or determination.
For much of the twentieth century, scientists studying addiction labored in the shadows of these powerful myths and misconceptions about the nature of addiction, and these cultural views shaped society’s response to it--treating it as a moral failing rather than a physical or health problem. Drug addiction, in particular, was deemed a criminal offence that should be punished, rather than emphasizing prevention and treatment. Most other non-substance forms of addictive and compulsive behaviors were rarely studied or even talked about.
According to The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), today addiction is defined as “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry, caused by many factors, including genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences, which lead to a number of associated neurobiological, psychological and social imbalances that accompany the brain circuit dysfunction. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other addictive behaviors.”
What’s more, the long-term effects of addiction typically bring about radical negative changes and transformation of personality, with devastating effects on interpersonal relationships.
ASAM describes the effects of these changes as an “inability to consistently abstain from compulsive behaviors, impairment in overall behavioral control, uncontrollable craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response to challenging situations.”
Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. ASAM continues, “without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.”
The big difference between today’s definition of addiction and those that came before, is that now we understand the real and tangible neurobiological factors underpinning these outward symptoms and outcomes of addiction.
According to the latest science, addiction dramatically changes the chemistry and neurotransmitters of the brain in ways that seize control of the reward pathway in the brain's circuitry, as well as alters hormonal and other biological systems of the body. This new chemical “hardwiring” makes it extremely difficult to quit, even for those who sincerely want to.
And as we all know, drug addiction in particular--above all others--creates the most radical of physical and neurological changes in the brain.
Neuroplasticity, the science of how the brain changes, tells us that when we develop a habit, the brain creates a neural pathway in support of that habit. As we repeatedly engage in the habit, the pathway becomes well-worn and stronger. This is like lifting a weight. If we repeatedly lift a weight the muscle in use gets stronger.
Addiction affects the brain in a similar way, and can be seen as a neuroplastic change in the physical structure of the brain, in response to repeated behavior.
When we have an addiction, the brain gets trained to do a particular behavior—and literally hardwires neuropathways to that addictive behavior. Whatever it is we may be addicted to--a drug, alcohol, gambling, a sexual encounter or even a satisfying meal--the brain registers all pleasures in the same way, and the neuroplastic change in the brain is entirely the same response, to lesser or greater degrees, depending on the extent of the addiction. Like the analogy of lifting weights, the more we do it, the more hardwired it becomes.
That addiction triggered neuroplastic change in the brain also has a very distinct neurobiological chemical signature— which is the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Dopamine release occurs in a very particular area of the brain, the nucleus accumbens, a cluster of nerve cells lying underneath the cerebral cortex. Dopamine release in this brain region is so consistently tied with pleasure that neuroscientists refer to this region as the brain’s “pleasure center”.
It’s the “pleasure center” and the predictable release of dopamine that lets us know when something we do is enjoyable, and those immediate--but temporary--feelings of pleasure and elation that we get from the dopamine release that reinforces the desire for us to do it again. It’s like an electrical switch being turned on, which is why scientists call it the "reward circuit". It’s switched on by all kinds of pleasure--from food to a good afternoon run, to sex and even laughter. Every pleasure that we feel is triggered by a dopamine response—which is precisely why it can become so addictive.
Today, using state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques, researchers can now see the precise areas of the brain affected by this dopamine chemical signature, and now better understand how addiction affects other cognitive areas of the brain, such as memory as well.
Researchers believe that each time the reward circuit switches on and dopamine floods across the neural synapses, the neurochemical circuits that affect areas of the brain that trigger thoughts and memories become so powerfully charged, that even people, objects, and places associated with substance use or addictive behavior are also imprinted and hardwired on the brain. How about that for powerful neurochemistry.
So why do some people become addicted while others don't?
Breakthroughs in the latest research on addiction is finally getting us one step closer to having the answer.
Science shows that the human body is intricately designed to ensure our health, wellbeing and survival. Millions of years evolutionary biology has created a complex and amazing web of biological intelligence in the form of the brain’s deep sources of neurobiological chemistry, which ensures that we are biologically programmed to be healthy and thrive.
This biological intelligence, between the neurochemicals and the approximately 100 billion complexly interconnected neurons that make up the human brain, produces many hundreds, if not perhaps thousands, of neurochemicals that perform a delicate dance to orchestrate our happiness and wellbeing, the vast majority of which scientists are only just beginning to fully understand.
Yet, although the body has an incredible capacity to heal and thrive, chronic substance abuse or other addictive and compulsive behaviors push the body to its limits. This results in a complex and dramatic set of physiological, neurological and biological changes in the body’s natural healthy biological programming. These changes are in fact the body's attempt to adapt and compensate to injury and impairment, and restore the body to balance.
Our natural biological programming is so profound, that the body tries its best to correct negative programming and fight addiction, which is precisely why over time, the dopamine induced pleasure from repeated use of a drug or exposure to addictive behavior is neutralized and diminished. This “tolerance”, as it’s often referred to, is the body’s natural biological programming kicking in to offset and correct the addiction and restore a natural state.
However, it’s this very correction, which although it may ensure our immediate survival, over time leads to increased addictive behavior and greater substance use. Addicts need to perpetually increase the addiction to force our body’s natural biological intelligence to inappropriately release dopamine in a way that it isn’t designed to do.
All addictions cause a release of dopamine and radically alter the body’s biological programming, but drugs in particular--from nicotine to heroin--cause a particularly powerful surge of dopamine in the brain.
From then on, the body’s natural biological programming is dramatically affected, and the likelihood that the compulsive behavior will lead to addiction is directly linked to the speed with which it triggers dopamine release, the intensity of that release, the frequency of the release, and above all, the body’s genetic and epigenetic signatures—which determine how active those dopamine receptors will respond.
Some genetic signatures increase a receiving neuron's responsiveness to the reward circuit being switch on--an excitatory effect--whereas others diminish the responsiveness—creating an inhibitory effect, demonstrating the dramatic role that gene expression plays in addiction
Does this mean there is such a thing as an addiction gene?
Probably not.
Many genes influence addiction and scientists will likely never find just one single gene that’s the culprit. When they look for "addiction genes," what they’re really looking for are biological differences that may make someone more or less vulnerable—and in that sense, they are finding more and more each year.
Studies of addiction in families suggest that as much as 50% of a person’s risk of becoming addicted to nicotine, alcohol, or other drugs depends on their genetic makeup, and pinning down which genes are the culprit has been an important area of research for scientists trying to solve the problem of drug addiction and to confidently develop new treatments based on genetics.
Dr. Nora Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is leading the way in genetic based addiction research. In her studies, Dr. Volkow says she strives to understand the compulsion with which addicted patients use drugs: “In all these years I have never come across a single drug-addicted person who told me that he or she wanted to be addicted,” she said. “They are desperate and want to stop taking the drug—it’s just that they feel they cannot do it.”
Dr. Volkow’s research may just be getting closer to identifying one of the genetic culprits.
It’s known as D2, a type of dopamine receptor, and the number of them that we inherit, and how active or inactive they are, is based on our genetic makeup. One day they might be used in early screening to predict whether or not someone will become addicted life.
Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to scan the brains of normal control subjects and compare them with those who suffer from addiction, Dr. Volkow has been able to measure the levels of D2 receptors for dopamine. Brain imaging suggests that people with fewer D2 receptors are more likely to become addicted than those with many of the receptors--and how many of these receptors people have is, in part, genetically determined.
Additional studies from her team found that not only did subjects have lower levels of D2 receptors, but also lower brain glucose metabolism in the orbitofrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for “higher” cognitive functions, including decision making. The finding is significant, as this area of the brain has been shown by imaging to be involved in obsessive-compulsive behaviors--and now this is a clear genetic marker to identify it.
It’s called Genetic Inheritance--the physical and biological traits in the form of genetic information that are passed from one generation to another through DNA encoding.
Studies show that genetic factors have a huge impact on risk of addiction. When it comes to tobacco, for instance, genetics account for about 75% of a person's inclination to begin smoking, 60% of the tendency to become addicted and 54% of their ability to quit.
What’s more, research shows that environment plays an equally important role in one’s predisposition to addiction, including the environment of our parents.
Epigenetic Inheritance, as it’s known, revolutionizes the idea that inheritance happens only through the DNA code at the genetic level, but rather shows us that our parent's environmental impacts—such as diet and nutrition--and even their beliefs and experiences—are transferred in the form of epigenetic tags, and passed down to future generations. These combine with our very own epigenetic influences, with the ability to affect how genes turn off and on, creating a profound impact on our vulnerability to addiction.
However, researchers stress that genes are not destiny.
“First a person has to experiment with drugs, then he or she has to repeatedly use them. At that point, genetic vulnerability helps determine who winds up addicted” says Dr. Volkow. "Understanding the complex interactions between the factors involved in drug abuse and addiction is critical to their effective prevention and treatment."
These scientific breakthroughs in the fields of Neuroplasticity and Epigenetics have been critical to understanding the connection between how genes, environment, emotions, beliefs and neurobiological programming all work together to impact addiction. New approaches to treatment are now been developed that incorporate these principles into a more integrated mind-body holistic approach to healing and recovery.
In Search Of Relief
If you think that addiction can’t happen to you—then think again.
Although there is a long list of disagreements regarding the controversial subject of addiction, most agree on one thing: addiction does not discriminate.
Young and old, rich and poor, no one is immune to addiction, and nowhere is this seen more prevalently than in the current wave of opiate addiction sweeping the United States.
According to a Columbia University study, 40 million Americans are addicted to nicotine, alcohol, prescriptions or other forms of drugs. That's more Americans than those with heart disease, diabetes or cancer, and it’s now considered America's number one most neglected disease and threat to public health.
In Addition, an estimated additional 80 million people in this country are "risky substance users", meaning that while not currently addicted, they use tobacco, alcohol and other drugs in ways that put them at risk of addiction and threaten their overall health.
So what’s fueling this incredible epidemic?
Although there’s a lot of blame to go around for the desire for drugs--including everything from economic downturn, rise in depression, professional stress, loneliness and social disconnection, to lifestyle and glamorization in popular culture—it’s important to remember that drug and alcohol addiction has been around for a long time and addiction in general is not exactly new
Nor is the epidemic exclusive to drugs. Americans are seemingly in search of relief in many ways.
Gambling, sex and food addictions are just a few of the many other forms of compulsive and addictive behaviors making headlines. They all equally affect the brain’s “pleasure center” and addiction can occur with dependencies of all kinds.
Regardless of the vice, all addictions negatively affect quality of life and can quickly hijack it--if not completely destroy it—including health, profession, relationships, finances and more. It’s an illness that can infect every aspect of existence.
That said, no matter how pervasive, no addictive behavior is more destructive than that of substance abuse—and none more deadly.
Socially acceptable substances such as alcohol and tobacco have a long and sordid history of addiction in the United States, and it’s this very acceptability and ease of access that has made them such rampant killers.
From Rat Packers like Frank Sinatra to current day Rap Stars, or the commercialized image of good times sold at the Super Bowl--a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other has long defined the image of “cool”. No other drugs in history have been so heavily advertised and marketed, and legal Cannabis could very well be on the path to a similar fate.
So called “White Collar” alcoholism is the perfect example of the risk that social and cultural acceptability brings to addiction.
By pulling back the curtains we see that there has been steady, steep and stealth increase in alcohol consumption amongst successful professionals. A recent study spotlighted that “White Collar” professionals, consumed more alcohol than other groups within the workforce. Their viewpoints revealed that they didn’t think drinking alcohol affected their health in way at all--unless they are drinking and driving, and they got into an accident. They believed that personal drinking was viewed as something group members choose to do, not something they need to do. Unanimously home drinking was widespread, socially acceptable and convenient for them instead of drinking at leisure premises like pub, bar or restaurant, because this way they could avoid the consequences of driving under the influence, as well as the high prices of alcohol at restaurants and bars. Bottom line, they could multitask, drink, relax, do household chores, engage with in their family routines, have family dinner with another drink or settle down for the night with a drink. They used their alcohol beverages as book marks in their evenings for their own time. A person in the study stated, “Drinking was considered a socially acceptable form of relaxation and a marker of the transition from work or parental responsibilities, to “me time.”
A male in the study stated, “I drink one, because I've had a stressful day at work, two because I've had a stressful day at home. I have four children so what I do is children things and so then when I do get the kids off to bed sometimes it's nice to have a drink because it actually makes you feel like an adult again.” Views like these, prove just how pervasive the social and cultural acceptability of alcohol has become, paving the way for the ‘functioning alcoholic’ to be overlooked within society.
And it’s not just alcohol and tobacco that have become social and culturally acceptable, it seems popping a Valium or other opiate prescription “relaxer” at the end of a long work day has become just as acceptable as well.
Opium’s addictive qualities and lethal potential has been known for centuries, but what’s different today, and arguably the most pervasive culprit compared to even just a mere ten to twenty years ago, is the ease of availability of modern day opiates in the form of legal prescription drugs, and the astonishing frequency in which they are “medically” prescribed.
Since the new millennium, prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Vicodin and Percocet and a slew of others, have been one of the leading causes of addiction in the United States, with hundreds of thousands of drug overdoses on record in the last ten to fifteen years.
In the past, opium based drugs were considered so highly addictive that for more than half a century doctors rarely prescribed unless under dire conditions.
Then things changed.
Doctors began prescribing drugs containing opiates at enormous rates in the late 1990s and early 2000’s, fueled by an explosion of new drugs made available from the ever-growing $1.12 trillion global pharmaceutical industry.
What’s more, piggybacking on advanced research in neuroscience that has helped to unlock long held mysteries of the brain, drug companies leveraged our new understanding of brain chemistry and neurobiology to introduce new products that changed the way these drugs worked to relieve pain, leading to a revolution of newly developed drugs that were rapidly approved by the FDA and released with intention of helping patients with long term chronic pain or terminal illnesses.
However instead, the sheer quantity of these newly abundant opiates and the aggressive marketing from pharmaceuticals, led to scores of doctors prescribing these highly addictive new drugs to patients with only minor ailments, with them quickly becoming addicted.
Government crackdowns soon followed, making the legal drugs harder to get, so those addicted to prescription drugs then turned to cheaper and more accessible alternatives on the street. As a result, the number of people addicted to and overdosing from heroin, crack and other synthetic street drugs increased dramatically in the last two decades--as did the black-market production and manufacture of “street clones” -- highly dangerous and deadly fake prescription alternatives.
Looking at the big picture, there were a lot of rogue players providing the rocket fuel for the current crisis we're facing, and it’s not surprising to see why Americans have become so highly addicted.
Overcoming Addiction
Freeing oneself from the grips of addiction is extremely difficult. It’s a disease that impacts all aspects of life. Overcoming it is not simply eliminating addictive behavior, removing physical dependency or restoring neurobiological balance, although these things are certainly a large part of it, but rather truly overcoming addiction requires restoring life as a whole to balance--body, mind and spirit.
For many, addiction begins as a slow process resulting from a wide variety of persistent and complex emotional stressors, negative beliefs, fears, insecurities, and self-doubts that combine with predisposed genetic and neurological factors that leave them more vulnerable, making it harder for some to maintain a healthy and happy balance in life, and to be able to positively cope when faced with challenges. Drug addiction is often the consequence of self-medicating to deal with these unresolved emotional issues, which is why it is so important to develop a broad holistic approach to recovery.
Fortunately, new treatments are emerging that utilize techniques from the latest science of Cognitive Biological Reprogramming™, Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, and are combining with traditional mind-body holistic healing techniques to offer a new model of treatment to overcome addiction. This new model digs deep to decode negative emotions and unconscious beliefs that impact our health and wellbeing, as well as incorporate diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes that balance the mind, body and spirit as a whole.
For those in search of relief, traditional approaches to treatment can provide essential services such as individual and group therapy, life and coping skills training and aftercare programs. Although this can be effective for some, for many they fail short and fail to leverage the incredible body of new science that’s now available. Most fail to recognize the brain’s incredible ability to physically rewire, recode and change to overcome addiction, if given the tools to reprogram it to do so.
Traditional treatment centers have also been slow to incorporate the understanding that our genes are not our destiny, and the key to effecting change in gene expression is not only understanding the DNA response to physical environmental factors, which has long been accepted amongst traditional medical science, but also understanding that this "environment" that our genes respond to also includes our conscious thoughts—as well as unconscious feelings, emotions and beliefs that we have as well. The “environment” of the body is the sum of all of these things.
Things are changing however, and new treatments based Cognitive Biological Reprogramming™ with Neuroplasticity and Epigenetics are now leading the way. These innovative approaches to addiction treatment strengthen the body’s natural biological intelligence by removing negative hardwired addictions and genetically predisposed vulnerabilities, recoding and retraining the brain to build new positive neuropathways, and changing gene expression through the development of healthy behaviors and thought processes that heal.
With carefully created treatment plans, those suffering from addiction can be released from its grip and move from negative self-destruction toward insight, stability, and self-awareness--holistically optimizing the mind-body environment to support recovery and lifelong healing.
Promising new Epigenetic treatments are in development based on DNA Methylation Inhibition (DMI) and Chromatin, the physical mechanisms used by cells to control gene expression and regulation of numerous biological processes. In DNA methylation, newly formed methyl groups, comprised of carbon and hydrogen atom clusters cling to the exterior of a gene like microscopic barnacles on a ship’s hull, making the gene more or less able to receive and respond to biochemical signals from the body, or changes in the environment and lifestyle. Chromatin remodeling is the reorganization of chromatin from a firm capacity to a transcriptionally fluid role, allowing transcription elements or other DNA binding proteins to access DNA while commanding and regulating gene expression. Just think of symphony orchestra maestro conducting one of the most powerful musical pieces and how it moves you beyond words.
New research supports techniques that can lower or inhibit the cellular DNA methylation response, creating a genetic signaling tool that can modify gene expression and fix genes in the “off” position, providing advanced treatment for those with genes that create a high risk of addiction by inhibiting or turning these unwanted genes off, as well as help increase dopamine receptors to better balance brain chemistry by turning these wanted genes “on”—powerful Epigenetic tools to overcome addiction.
Neuroplasticity based programs, such as Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP), apply the principles of meditation to the treatment of addiction, using meditation and mindfulness techniques to modulate brain chemistry and activity to recode the brain to create new neural responses to distress and cravings, interrupting self-destructive impulses and replacing them with healthy coping mechanisms. Using the MBRP technique, those suffering from addiction can learn to tolerate anxiety, stress and other emotional discomfort with less emotional reactivity, building Emotional Intelligence that allows them to be in better control of their actions and respond in more thoughtful, deliberate ways. This increased emotional control has a profound impact on reducing the need to self-medicate to cope with life’s stressors, strengthening the ability to fight addiction.
What’s more, groundbreaking research in Quantum Physics and Medicine has delved into the energetic field of the mind and body, coalescing around the principles that human mind and body are not merely matter and particles, separate from our physical environment, but rather are energy and waves, part of a vast interconnected field of energy, synchronizing with each other and exchanging information on the quantum level—what scientists call “The Field”. Here, consciousness is central in shaping all aspects of our world. From the smallest cellular structure, to the broadest life experiences.
Albert Einstein said it best, “The Field is everything.”
The most significant recent quantum breakthroughs and discoveries now demonstrate how energy and information fields are as influential as genetics in determining human health, physiology and biochemistry. They transform our understanding of what it means to live in a healthy, happy, holistic state of balance, proving that the human mind can influence our health and wellbeing in more powerful ways than we have ever imagined, transforming our understanding of how we live and how we heal.
Quantum science has now proven what many ancient cultures and mystics have always known-- that we are all connected to everything in our world, living in a deeply interconnected universe.
Karl Heisenberg, Nobel Prize Winning Physicist famously said, “Quantum theory will not look ridiculous to people who have read Vedanta.”
Vedanta, the ancient Indian Vedic tradition and its ancient sacred texts, derives its name from the Sanskrit word literally translated as “knowledge”, which some scholars date back as far as five to seven thousand years.
While it's clear that the ancient Vedic tradition left its mark on physics and science, the same can be said for medicine and healthcare, as Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda, the three interrelated branches of the same great tree of Vedic knowledge, have proven to offer a wide range of health benefits and have now gained broad acceptance. Countless comprehensive research studies now support this ancient wisdom, showing that yoga, meditation and mindfulness and other Vedic practices not only reduce stress and feel good, but actually change our physical bodies on the genetic level.
Studies show that even just a small amount of dedicated yoga and meditation practice can yield dramatic results, quickly improving cognitive function that leads to clearer and more effortless thinking.
In one of many recently published studies, researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that long-term practitioners of relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation, produce far more ''disease-fighting genes'' which are active, compared to those who did not practice. In particular, they found genes that protect from disorders such as pain, infertility, high blood pressure and even rheumatoid arthritis were switched on. The changes, say the researchers, are proven to be just as powerful as any medical drug-- but without any of the harmful side effects—or addictions—which is key.
And the research doesn't stop there. Each year new studies are helping to usher in a new renaissance in the growing practice of mind-body medicine and holistic lifestyles. It is a paradigm shift in health and medicine no different than the one that shook the world of physics so many years ago. Some might say it is the beginning of an era of Quantum Living.
QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™
QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration® provides the practical, everyday tools to incorporate quantum knowledge into our lives, offering cutting edge techniques to not only improve health and treat illness, but to develop the practice of a balanced holistic lifestyle that leads to a better, happier, more fulfilled life as well. QDNA® offers special Business Programs to help clients optimize the Brain for Business, develop Positive Consciousness™ and create a life of Positive Mindfulness™ while building your Intuitive Intelligence.
To learn more about Neuroplasticity, Epigenetics and Biological Reprogramming, explore QDNA® Private Sessions to optimize your health, life and business. Follow the latest news, tips and resources at QDNA® What’s New and QDNA® Quantum Living. Register for monthly QDNA® Events and QDNA®Business And Professional Programs held at locations world-wide each year.
Copyright© Written by Marina Rose
info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com www.MarinaRoseQDNA.com
PH: 310-358-2991 - 844-400-QDNA - 844-400-7362
Marina Rose is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. QDNA® uses the latest cutting edge
science in Neuroplasticity and DNA Reprogramming along with Cognitive Biological Reprogramming™ to develop plans of action that activate solutions for you and your business needs. It compounds
Quantum Field principles, Positive Psychology, and Epigenetics, in a powerful new technique to assist you to achieve desired results. Accelerate your
health, life and business now.

QDNA® Healing
Epigenetics & Cognitive Biological Reprogramming™ |
Unwavering Energy & Support | Client Testimonial
My experience of Marina Rose is that she is a profoundly dedicated healer who is clearly on purpose with her mission. She is spiritually gifted and genuine human being, this is all evident in how she openly and unconditionally shares herself with you during a healing. Her unconditional love is evident in the way that she holds you with safety and with the highest regard. Her energy is unwavering throughout her healing work and at times clearly is used to uplift and support you as you experience the profound shifts. She allows and enables you to witness your own growth.
Karen Anderson
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy,
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor
ProfessorUniversity of Las Vegas
This article was written and appears as part of the QDNA® Quantum Health Series.
Image Via: QDNA®/Photo © Goodluz/123rf.com
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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor™
Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.
Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.
Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.
Learn more about QDNA® and explore what it can do for you!

Marina Says...
"QDNA® is the most profound and powerful healing paradigm on the planet at this time".

The Magnificent Human Experience
Weekly Explorations of Consciousness And The Human Body with Marina Rose, QDNA®. Join Marina for her weekly live chat via FaceBook and Google+ and get in on the conversation!

Total Recall | The Memories of Our Genes
Trait Vs. Fate | Incredible Inheritance of DNA
what's new

10 Ways To Eliminate Processed Foods From Your Diet & Eat Healthier

Well Being
Meditation Tips for Beginners

Solfeggio Frequencies- The Ancient Sounds That Raise Your Vibration.


The Four Pillars of QDNA®
Free QDNA® Introduction
Dates: Oct 21, 2018
Location: Venice, CA, USA

World Congress of Integrative Medicine
Quantum University
Dates: October 5th to 7th, 2018
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

About | Marina Rose, QDNA®
Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.
Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.
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