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QDNA® Business

More Than A Feeling |
The Power of Intuitive Business Management
In The Information Age |

Essential Tools To Optimize Intuition
And Emotional Intelligence For Business Success

By Marina Rose, QDNA®

QDNA® Business | Intuitive Intelligence | Emotional Intelligence

July 03, 2017

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
                                                                        --Albert Einstein

In the fast-paced ever-changing world of business today, success is not only driven by innovation, purpose and performance, but also by the ability to swiftly adapt to rapidly shifting industry landscapes, and to be able to confidently make critical business decisions quickly and wisely.

This is particularly true in fast evolving markets, where the weight of even one small single decision in one area of business can have large impacts across other multiple interrelated parts of the business as a whole.

However, it’s not just new markets that are affected. The Information Age has changed things for nearly every business--large and small. With its instant global networks and unprecedented technological growth, it has unleashed a Niagara Falls of information that consumers and businesses alike have been swept into. Businesses today are constantly challenged with the need for solid, rapid-fire decision-making, or risk being swept away in a tidal wave of progress—whether they’re ready or not.

No longer content to be mere passive recipients of glossy print advertising or pushed television marketing messages, consumers today actively search for information and immerse themselves in the fine-tuned details of the products and services that interest them most. From search engines, to social media, to online reviews and reports, consumers now take the lead in evaluating and parsing business marketing information, using the online channels that work for them best.

Now, more than ever, it seems that the only constant in business is change, and the ability to navigate these unprecedented changes with astute decision-making is one of the biggest demands facing businesses today.

And it’s not just the abundance of information or advancing technology that influences business decisions, but also the impact of how these changes influence all other aspects of our culture and society today--including our beliefs, values and social structures--creating a ripple effect of change that often radically alters our cultural world view and the way that we think and behave.

In this radically new environment, a traditional approach to business management and strategy is impossible, or at least ill-advised. Never before has business decision-making required a more new and innovative approach.

That means a willingness to think outside of the box.

Although left-brain analytical reasoning, statistical data analysis, marketing queries and all other traditional tools that businesses use to guide informed decisions are undoubtedly useful, the latest research in neuroscience shows that most decisions involving highly complex situations do not always lend themselves well to analysis alone. In other words, often there are just too many variables and subtle nuances to simply “think” our way through it.

Despite the old business adage that "only gamblers follow a hunch", or that "there’s no room for emotions and feelings in business", research now suggests just the opposite, and it seems that we benefit greatly by implementing a more “whole-brain” approach to business decision-making, leveraging input from all parts of the brain, including our more right-brain creative, emotional and intuitive centers as well.

In fact, research shows that intuition may be just as effective in decision-making as taking a traditional analytical approach—and it can sometimes actually even be better.

What Is Intuition

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. The word comes from the Latin intuir, which appropriately means ‘knowledge from within.’ The power and truthfulness of intuition has had countless and celebrated champions — from Einstein to Michelangelo, to some of history’s greatest scientists, medical doctors, philosophers and entrepreneurs.

But what exactly lies behind this mysterious phenomenon we call “intuition”?

Increasingly we are turning to science to find the answer—and you just might be surprised.

Some people think of intuition as a mystical power. Skeptics write it off as a matter of lucky guesswork. But scientists who study the phenomenon say it's a very real ability that can be identified in lab experiments and actually visualized on brain scans.

CUNY philosophy professor Dr. Massimo Pigliucci, PhD explores the nature of intuition in his fascinating book entitled, Answers for Aristotle: How Science and Philosophy Can Lead Us to A More Meaningful Life.

“Until recently, intuition, like consciousness, was the sort of thing that self-respecting scientists stayed clear of, on penalty of being accused of engaging in New Age woo-woo rather than serious science. Heck, even most philosophers — who historically had been very happy to talk about consciousness, far ahead of the rise of neurobiology — found themselves with not much to say about intuition. However, these days cognitive scientists think of intuition as a set of non-conscious cognitive and affective processes; the outcome of these processes are often difficult to articulate and are not based on deliberate thinking, but are real and effective nonetheless.”

It’s this accuracy that makes the phenomena of intuition most astonishing.

Now new research indicates that the old truism "look before you leap" may be less true than previously thought.

In a study from Tel Aviv University, School of Psychological Sciences, Psychologists found that decision making based on instinct was surprisingly accurate with a high percentage of positive outcomes. The research suggests that using a “whole-brain” approach, the human brain has an inherent ability to find the best solution lightning fast.

Decision-making is an inevitable part of the everyday human experience, and it’s also one of the most mysterious.

So how do we decide when to “think through” or to “feel out” a situation more intuitively?

From large and small personal and business decisions, to something as simple as when lost in a city do we turn left or right, scientists have long studied just how it is we go about the task of decision-making, and how both instinct and intellect figure into the process.

Carl Jung, the much-celebrated Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology and advanced the ideas of archetypes and the power of the unconscious, defined intuition not as something contrary to reason, but rather something outside the province of reason.

It also appears to be heavily influenced by experience.

Although intuition clearly straddles the realm of the consciousness-sub-consciousness divide, mostly it draws upon countless subconscious experiences that are stored and accessed without the need for conscious effort or thought at all. At its core, it is our experience that fuels intuition the most.

In his classic work The Psychology of the Transference, Jung famously wrote “Intuition gives outlook and insight; it revels in the garden of magical possibilities as if they were real.”

Although Jung waxed poetic to express the value of intuition, he actually felt that intuition was neither a magical sixth sense nor a paranormal process, and suggested that it was instead an innate--psychological process--an intelligence if you will--one that allows us to grasp and process the details of any given situation and to synthesize and combine information and hard analytical data with past experiences, emotions and feelings-- thus providing a more holistic and integrated perception, one that exceeds merely relying on rational analysis alone.

It’s an idea that has firmly taken root, and today most modern psychologists agree, particularly as it relates to experience influencing intuition and business decision-making.

In their book, Intuition: The New Frontier of Management, the first comprehensive book to be published on the subject of intuition in management, a key element in business thinking and practice, authors Jagdish Parikh, world-renowned international business executive, along with Dr. Alden Lank, PhD and Dr. Friedrich Neubauer, PhD, Professors of Multinational Corporate Strategy and Planning and Organizational Behaviour at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lusanne, Switzerland, outline strong support of Jung’s observation that intuition could very well be a form of intelligence at a level we simply cannot access with rational thought.

According to the authors, intuition consists of “accessing the internal reservoir of cumulative experience and expertise developed over a period of years, and distilling out of that a response, or an urge to do or not to do something, or choose from some alternatives--without being able to understand consciously how we get the answers.”

It’s that reservoir of experience that intuition taps into to make rapid-fire decisions on the spot.

Intuitive Intelligence

Dr. Rollin McCraty, PhD with the HeartMath Research Center in Boulder Creek, California, refers to this as Intuitive Intelligence, and suggests that there are three distinct categories or types of processes that the term intuition is often used to describe.

The first type is "implicit knowledge" or learning, meaning knowledge that we acquired in the past and either forgot or didn’t realize we had learned. Neuroscientists have recognized the brain’s ability for highly efficient and effective pattern-matching, and have identified nineteen “pattern-recognition” models to demonstrate how this fast type of intuitive decision-making can be understood biologically--purely in terms of neural processes--where the brain employs pattern-recognition to match new problems or challenges with stored templates in memory, based on prior experience, in order to make rapid intuitive decisions.

The second type of intuition is what Dr. McCraty calls "energetic sensitivity", which refers to the ability of our nervous system to detect and respond to environmental signals. For example, a new body of scientific research has established that the nervous system of both humans and animals can be highly affected by the Earth’s geomagnetic activity, providing some people and animals with what appears to be the capacity to feel or sense that an earthquake is about to occur-- before it happens. Another example of this type of energetic sensitivity is the sense that someone is staring at us. A number of scientific studies have verified this type of intuition or sensitivity.

The third type of intuition outlined is called “nonlocal intuition”. It steps out of the box a bit from the previously outlined neurological and physiological models of intuition. It instead refers to the knowledge or sense of something that cannot be explained by past or forgotten knowledge, or environmental signals. An example of “nonlocal intuition” is when a mother senses something happening to her child, who is many miles away, or the repeated, successful “hunches” that many entrepreneurs feel and follow that result in positive effective business decisions. This type of intuition has often been thought of outside the realm of current forms of scientific validation, however increasingly scientists are offering ever more convincing theories to explain how this type of intuition functions, such as the quantum-holographic model, which supports that nonlocal intuition is a real and measurable phenomenon, similar to what has been seen in quantum wave and other quantum experiments in the past.

In her groundbreaking book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, author Lynne McTaggart demonstrates that ideas from the cutting-edge of science now convincingly explain a great deal of previously unexplained phenomena, such as nonlocal intuition, telepathy or telekinesis--which were previously thought of as purely paranormal. With meticulous detail, The Field presents a stunning picture that documents dozens of research studies from an impressive group of scientists and major universities, and reveals the hard science that sits at the leading edge of this new paradigm—one that sees the human mind and body as not separate from the environment, but a rather as part of a vast interactive quantum field in constant communication with a consciously connected universe.

Not surprising, many of the leading researchers in the field were once skeptics.

However, skeptics have now turned to firm believers, and it’s because of the subtle and highly nuanced quantitative and qualitative information that intuition can embrace that often makes intuitive decisions better than those which are purely analytical.

It’s also incredibly fast.

In Answers for Aristotle Professor Pigliucci reminds us that “it was William James, the father of modern psychology, who first proposed the idea that cognition takes place in two different modes, and his insight anticipated modern so-called dual theories of cognition.”

“Intuition works in an associative manner: it feels effortless (even though it does use a significant amount of brain power), and it’s fast. Rational thinking, on the contrary, is analytical, requires effort, and is slow. Why, then, would we ever want to use a system that makes us work hard and doesn’t deliver rapid results?”

And the research is there to support the speed and accuracy of intuition as well.

Dr. Shabnam Mousavi, PhD, Professor at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, along with Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer, PhD, a director of the Max Planck Institute and the scholar credited with developing the concept of “fast and frugal heuristics” -- the theory that in certain scenarios, intuition is a faster and better at decision-making than deliberate analytical calculation--is the lead author of a research article on the topic.

In the article, Professors Mousavi and Gigerenzer re-introduce the work of Frank Knight, one of the founders of the school of economic thought associated with the University of Chicago in the 1920’s, which suggested that most business decisions—especially those that resulted in the most economic gain for the decision maker—were more often than not made in the face of uncertainty, where highly complex situations with a high number of unknowns made the decision impractical for analysis and a rational decision-making process, thus the decision maker relied on intuition.

Today, research shows, by and large, for the most part that's precisely how people make decisions. When faced with a situation they can’t easily reason through, they will intuitively make a choice. In other words, they use the heuristic approach.

Dr. Daniel Kahneman, PhD, is an Israeli-American psychologist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. He also raised public awareness of heuristics through his popular book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, where he outlined two distinct modes of thinking—fast and intuitive and slow and deliberate. Although much of his research indicated that the heuristic decisions were highly accurate, he also demonstrated how quick answers that lacked an intuitive impulse, but rather relied on quick thinking alone, did not produce nearly as good results.

In his popular example, participants in a heuristic study were asked to determine the price of a ball, if the ball and a bat together cost $1.10 and the bat cost one dollar more than the ball. Most people quickly said 10 cents using fast heuristic thinking. However, with slow and deliberate thinking it’s easy to realize the right answer is actually five cents. In this case, the fast heuristic decision lacked the intuitive component—and instead relied solely on quick thinking to calculate the math. This example sheds important light on the difference between fast and intuitive heuristic decisions vs. merely quick thinking through decisions that involve hard data that would benefit from a slow and deliberate approach.

To avoid the pitfalls of quick thinking, Dr. Mousavi suggests a combined intuitive-heuristic-analytical approach.

In the case of critical business decisions, this is best implemented by making a “decision tree” outlining baseline worst-case scenarios based on various decisions that were derived using both intuition and analysis to determine the choices. Then once these have been established, next evaluate if these outcomes are acceptable. If not, then don’t do it. If so, then evaluate potential outcomes based on that decision, making each subsequent decision sequentially. This allows the decision-maker to tap into the intuitive process and limit information only to the most relevant factors during the initial evaluation and avoid information overload by not attempting to quantify the unquantifiable.

And unless you’re an entrepreneur or part of a team that thinks well outside of the box, remember that most businesses usually prefer rational thinking over a heuristic or intuitive approach. As such, many business decision-makers will often claim to have used objective methods on critical decisions, when in fact they later admit that they relied more on a "hunch" or intuition. Rather than dismissing the value of intuitive decision making, it’s important that businesses begin to recognize intuition as a valid and distinctive evolutionary development for humans, a form of Intuitive Intelligence with real and tangible benefits—and accuracy that offers a vast body of scientific evidence for support.

Cognitive scientists agree that we typically doubt our intuition more than we embrace it. We are conditioned by science and society to be “thoughtful” and “reasonable”, and being “analytical” is considered a highly regarded virtue. This could explain why more often than not, most people are inclined to treat intuition as a quick first assessment of a given situation--as a provisional assessment in need of further checking.

But should we be so analytical? Should we look before we leap?

The science is in and the answer is that we probably should not.

In a behavioral experiment that resulted in an astonishing display of intuitive accuracy, Professor Marius Usher of Tel Aviv University's School of Psychological Sciences and his fellow researchers found that intuition was a surprisingly powerful and accurate tool with very high rates of positive outcomes. When forced to choose between two options based on instinct alone, participants in the study made the right call up to 90 percent of the time.

Those are pretty good odds for most.

The results of Professor Usher’s work offer very strong evidence that the human brain has the innate capacity to take in large and diverse bits of information intuitively and process that information accurately, proving that gut reactions can indeed be trusted to make a quality decision -- a conclusion supported by his earlier work with Professors Dan Zakay and Dr. Zohar Rusou, which was published in Frontiers in Cognitive Science.

In short, these scientific experiments support the notion that before engaging in rational thought, our intuition may have already assessed the data and reached a conclusion. One that we can actually trust.

And better understanding and trusting of our human Intuitive Intelligence has never been more important, as technology today races forward with the development of computerized Artificial Intelligence.

Although human intuition is still not fully understood, we are nonetheless finding ourselves at a historically critical crossroads, with ever more advanced forms of Artificial Intelligence ready to be implemented in a mind-boggling array of cultural, technical and scientific applications.

If conventional human intuition is indeed a form of evolutionary intelligence whereby the innate data processing capacity of the human mind combines with the hyper-accelerated pattern-recognition of human experience to provide a highly advanced ability that transcends ordinary-level functioning--to a point where information is understood with a greater depth than is available in more simple rational or logical thinking—then converting this highly sophisticated non-rational non-logical ability into a highly sophisticated and complex set of binary mathematical algorithms capable of interpreting data with the same level of depth and nuance that human intuition can achieve, in itself supposes the ability to create a higher functioning intelligence than that of the human mind—just in order to be able to conceivably do it.

The task is no less daunting than the attempt to simulate human emotion—yet another non-rational non-logical component of evolutionary human intelligence--and one that is infinitely difficult to simulate in an artificial system as well. It requires capabilities such as what might be found in semantic memory and learning, which as difficult as it may seem, is precisely what is presently being achieved with the most cutting-edge developments in artificial “machine learning”-- and the results are nothing less than astonishing.

Today, experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are reaching incredible milestones in simulating and transferring vast and critical functions of our human biological systems to machine based systems, based upon knowledge derived from human cognition and the development of artificial neural networks modeled after the human brain. These remarkable breakthroughs come at a time when studies now show that nearly six percent of all jobs (and some small businesses) in the United States will be completely eliminated by robots by the year 2021. No longer the stuff of science fiction, Artificial Intelligence is real—and it’s here.

And Artificial intelligence (AI) is only the beginning, say some researchers, as Artificial Intuition is poised to supersede Artificial Intelligence, as a more highly advanced form of Machine Intelligence (MI).

Experts say that human cognition and instinct are currently on the verge of becoming significantly more widespread in machines, promising to rapidly surpass simple forms of Artificial Intelligence that have been more prevalent in the last decade. With Artificial Intelligence now capable of recognizing patterns in human intuition, human subjectivity may now be on the verge of being effectively simulated using objective sets of binary code, as ever faster computer systems, introduced by better hardware, chips, sensors and the enormous and ever growing capacity of cloud storage, now combine with enormous data sets and “smart algorithms” that are remarkably good at simulating human thinking.

And it is those highly advanced “smart algorithms” that are the most exciting—and also the most different from anything that we’ve seen before. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of many groups now blazing a trail to design them.

Adding human intuition to a machine algorithm may seem like science fiction, but MIT recently announced it has now successfully done just that. And in case you weren’t sure, that’s huge.

In their most recent round of coding, developers looked at how a group of extremely brainly MIT students would intuitively solve the sort of issues that “smart algorithms” are currently used for, like for instance airline routing, where the smartest students’ results were considerably better at problem solving than all of the existing machine algorithms. The researchers then analyzed how these students approached the problems associated with this particular industry and then adjusted the code to implement the student’s strategies and intuitive decisions to mirror how they worked.

The results were astonishing.

Along with human cognition and instinct analysis, other “cognitive agents” were at the heart of pushing the MIT results forward—improving and out-performing the current planning algorithms by nearly 15 percent, a number that comes remarkably close to besting even MIT’s student’s best. Experts say that these and many other ground-breaking innovations are about to unleash MI over AI within just a few short years, and many businesses will undoubtedly struggle to adapt and catch up.

And while some businesses are in fact jumping on board and trying their hardest to reach from branch to branch to get into the swing of things, in fact, some experts say to focus merely on Artificial Intelligence without fully understanding the broader implications of Artificial Intuition and other highly developed forms of Machine Intelligence is simply to miss seeing the forest for the trees.

And just like Artificial Intuition is making the stuff of science fiction come true, emotionally intelligent machines may not be far away either. This, in part, thanks to our better understanding of the emotional and intuitive intelligence in humans.

Emotional Intelligence

As we push further into the development of simulated forms of intelligence, researchers are still plowing the depths of our own human development.

And given the speed and accuracy of intuition--scientists have pushed further into researching the biology of how it all works.

Ever increasing research now suggests that there could actually be an ancient biological component to this high-speed link between visual perception and rapid response, perhaps a product of millions of years of evolution.

Two hunter-gatherers met in the forest: friend or foe?

Instantly decide.

No doubt life depended on it.

Throughout human evolution, those who could read a person quickly and accurately were more likely to survive in the highly competitive and often hostile world of our ancestors. These highly intuitive survivors left descendants and passed along this ability through countless generations of inheritance in our DNA. This suggestion helps to explain why humans today can rapidly distinguish between a diverse array of facial expressions—including aggression, anger, sadness, fear or pleasure--literally within seconds of a glance.

New medical research now confirms this ability to be a direct result of hardwired coding into our DNA. Studies show that the emotional pathways that run from the eye to the brain's emotional control centers—bypassing the cerebral cortex— trigger us to react emotionally to our visual perception long before we've even had time to interpret the visual consciously. It’s a form of Enhanced Emotional Intuition which allows us process threatening information in milliseconds. Later, after the cortex has had time to interpret the threat, the analytical and thinking brain asserts itself to confirm or override our instinctive conclusions.

This rapid interchange of emotional feedback and intuitive guidance in situations we encounter is at the heart of what we now call instinct.

In the forest, we physically jump at the sound of rustling leaves, leaving the cortex to decide later whether the sound came from a predator or the wind. Instinct first—reasoning second.

Clearly, human intelligence is more than logic, and comprehension is more than consciousness.

Psychologist George Miller illustrated this truth using a conversation between two ship passengers: "There sure is a lot of water in the ocean,” said one. “Yes,” answered his friend, “and we've only seen the top of it.”

And deep below the surface, psychologists are finding what they call an Emotional Intelligence, and it works hand in hand with intuition, although distinctly differently.

If intuition in its many forms is defined as a form of high speed subconscious intelligence that allows us to instantly evaluate information and situations in our environment and to make decisions and take action without conscious reasoning, then Emotional Intelligence can be best described as the ability to successfully understand emotional feedback from ourselves and others, and to accurately interpret and predict the feelings, intent, meaning, purpose and other inner clues that are projected, and to use this emotional guidance in our decisions, actions and interactions with others and with our environment.

Emotional Intelligence brings powerful awareness to feelings and emotions, which allows them to informatively guide our decisions and actions, rather than become merely “lost in our feelings” or “react” to highly emotional encounters with others.

Although the term first appeared in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch, it gained popularity in the 1995 book Emotional Intelligence, written by the author, psychologist, and science journalist Daniel Goleman. It is generally considered to include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating our own emotions and the ability to diffuse, moderate or influence the emotions of others—the latter being a critically important component of effective business management, particularly in today’s fast paced business environments, as for better or worse, emotions, especially sustained ones, drive us in powerful ways. The business environment is no exception.

What’s more, studies have shown that those with high Emotional Intelligence have greater mental health, job performance, and leadership skills, making EI increasing as important as IQ as a business and corporate asset qualification.

We develop Emotional Intelligence not only through self-awareness, but also by adopting principles of mindfulness--training our minds to stay focused, present, detached and objective—as well as by listening to that inner voice that speaks to us from our deepest intuitive core. This takes practice, as it’s often hard to initially trust our intuition when in the past we have been so engrained to only trust the power of reason.

Fortunately, things are changing, and as we increasingly learn to tune into our intuition and emotions for guidance, we in turn learn to tune out the distractions that prevent us from connecting with our deeper “inner knowing”, the key to taking an intuitive and “whole brain” approach to business management.

Remember that as humans we are all intuitive and emotional creatures by nature. We are just as capable of incredible Intuitive and Emotional Intelligence as we are learned knowledge if we cultivate and allow it. With enhanced Intuitive and Emotional Intelligence, we can not only make better decisions that lead to better business management, but also achieve true personal growth, with the ability to utilize the entire range of intelligence in our human experience.

QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration® provides the practical, everyday tools to incorporate quantum knowledge into our lives, offering cutting edge techniques to not only improve health and treat illness, but to develop the practice of a balanced holistic lifestyle that leads to a better, happier, more fulfilled life as well. QDNA® offers special Business Programs to help clients optimize the Brain for Business, develop Positive Consciousness and create a life of Positive Mindfulness while building your Intuitive Intelligence.

QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.

To learn more about Intuitive and Emotional Intelligence, explore QDNA® Quantum Living, follow the latest news, tips and resources at QDNA® What’s New, and learn more about QDNA® Private Sessions to optimize your health and wellness.  Register for monthly QDNA® Events and QDNA® Health & Living Programs held at locations world-wide each year.

Copyright© Written by
info@MarinaRoseQDNA.com www.MarinaRoseQDNA.com
PH: 310-358-2991 - 844-400-QDNA - 844-400-7362

Marina Rose is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. QDNA® uses the latest cutting edge science in Neuroplasticity and DNA Reprogramming to develop plans of action that activate solutions for you and your business needs. It compounds Quantum Field principles, Positive Psychology, and Epigenetics, in a powerful new technique to assist you to achieve desired results. Accelerate your life and business now.

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Client Testimonial

I first met Marina a year ago when I was out in LA over the holidays in 2014. A friend recommended her to me in the hopes of starting off the New Year 2015 with a clean slate and feeling better about myself. In this past year, through working with Marina, I have become more confident, productive and successful in my personal life as well as business.

I live in New York and I’m a Designer, so our sessions are via the phone for the most part unless I am in L.A. on business, and then I am fortunate enough to be with Marina in person. One evening, on one of our long distance phone sessions, we were going through the usual list--upcoming projects for business and my personal life, health etc.--and she asked if I had anything new in business projects lined up. I often expressed interest in doing projects in L.A., the Hamptons, New York and Connecticut (my usual suspects,) but was open to expanding my business. Marina said out of the blue to me, “What about Miami? Do you think you would want to do projects down there?” I had been to Miami all of two times and it had never really been on the radar for me, but she said to just keep it in the back of my mind as we continued to keep going through our list. After that session I got a wonderful high end Hampton job and I was extremely busy.

A couple weeks went by and I still had Miami in the back of my mind when all of a sudden I remembered that I have a colleague that moved down to Miami and was opening a hotel, so I thought well maybe there's a possibility there.

Months went by with projects that came up for me in Manhattan – New York, Greenwich - Connecticut and the Hamptons – New York. October came around and I was on my way to Palm Beach, Florida to help my mom and her business partner move into their new homes when I received a call from one of my clients saying one of his friends just bought a house and they needed help with designing their new home. I returned the phone call to the potential client and it turned out he had just bought a home in Palm Beach. It was so serendipitous and incredible that I was already on my way down to Palm Beach for the weekend, so we easily met, and by Monday I was working on this new project. In the back of my mind I had thought this was the Miami calling.

Then in November I was down in Palm Beach working on my new client’s house and reached out to my colleague again who had been living in Miami, and she invited me down for the afternoon. We ended up talking and she asked me if I would be interested in working on a hotel with her... I called Marina that night and I couldn't even believe that after all, it was Miami the whole time!

The project was really fun and amazing experience. Yesterday I received another phone call to go back to Miami to work on another hotel in South Beach, Florida..... So Miami was definitely in the cards for me, without me knowing. I then got another referral that I told Marina about back in Manhattan NY. I thought I would be able to work on this new project when I finished the Palm Beach / South Beach projects. Marina warned to me, “Kirby they are going to want you to start on this project immediately,” and like clock work that is exactly what happened. I have now expanded my team with more my employees. I have now doubled my projects with wonderful high end clients. Working with Marina this past year has truly transformed my life and I am so happy to have found her. She has put incredible systems in place for my business to have rapid business growth.

Thank you, Marina. You are Amazing.

Kirby Redding
Kirby Redding Designs
Manhattan NY, Hamptons NY, Greenwich CT, Palm Beach FL & South Beach FL, Beverly Hills, LA, London, St Barts, Milan

Images Via: QDNA®/Photo© Elwynn/123rf.com

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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor

Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.

Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.

Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.

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About | Marina Rose, QDNA®

Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.

Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.

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