QDNA® Affiliate Program Enrollment Commissioned Sales Program Through Our QDNA® Store Welcome to the QDNA® Store Affiliate Program! We offer you a 10% commission on the net amount of sales generated through our QDNA® Store. Commissions apply to seminars, seminar packages, gift certificates and private sessions. Books, DVDs, and other ancillary items are excluded. Commissions Commissions are paid on a monthly basis, when your commissions have reached $50 or greater. You may redeem your commission either with : 1) a cash dispersement of 10% of the net purchases 2) an equivalent value of a 10% discount applied to the net purchases of any our seminars, gift certificates or private sessions applied to your next order or enrollment. Please indicate your commission redemption preference upon enrollment. For websites justifying of more marketing activity please call us to discuss commissions and joint ventures. Payment Terms We will notify you when your commissions reached $50. Our system does not allow for you to track your commission directly, however you may contact us to check the status of your account at any time. Thank you for your participation in this program and for helping us expand our marketing base. Terms This agreement is valid for a year after your enrollment, to be reviewed and renewed at the end of that period. If no customers are referred to us after a period of one year we may delete your account to simplify our affiliate list. Please review our detailed terms and conditions. QDNA® Affiliate Enrollment FormAffiliate Sales
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Email *
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When I make a sale With news and special offers
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Social Security or Tax ID Number * Numbers only, no dashes. US residents only.
Web Site Title Web Site URL
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