QDNA® | What's New
The Rabbit Hole | Beyond The Matrix With Deepak Chopra | The Chopra Well
Date: September 06, 2016 | YouTube.com/TheChopraWell | Consciousness

QDNA® What's New | Media
The Rabbit Hole | Beyond The Matrix With Deepak Chopra
The Chopra Well
September 06, 2016
Deepak Chopra addresses the topic of technology and perceptual reality. In the modern age, with our computers, iPhones and other handheld devices, it would seem we are able to tap into new worlds of awareness.* In truth, technology is simply an interface, like the brain, which we use as conscious agents to interact with reality. But do we perceive things as they truly are? Might we just be "the universe looking back on itself"?
THE RABBIT HOLE YouTube Series features fast-paced and mind-blowing explorations of BIG questions - What is death? Who is God? Is life an illusion? Are we alone in the universe? Using visually-stunning graphics and music, we fall down the rabbit hole as Deepak Chopra provides his unique and intriguing take on some of humanity's eternal questions.
THE CHOPRA WELL is a new YouTube channel created to encourage people to live healthier, fuller lives and to be more aware. Deepak, Mallika and Gotham Chopra, as well as many other friends and experts, join together in this inspiring project for personal and global transformation. The channel features daily shows about wellness, healthy living, spirituality, humor, and much more. Please show your support and subscribe to The Chopra Well Channel!
This article and/or image is provided and intended for informational, educational and discussion purposes only. All rights to intellectual property remain with their respective owners.
Source: YouTube.com/TheChopraWell
QDNA® Quantum Connection™
The Chopra Well is a new YouTube channel featuring Deepak Chopra, family and friends. Subscribe to The Chopra Well to embark on a journey of personal, social, global and spiritual
Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego, Health Sciences. TIME magazine has described Dr. Chopra as "one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.”
Chopra is the author of more than 85 books translated into over 43 languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. His ground breaking bestseller, Super Genes, coauthored with Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi (Harmony, November 2015) focuses on the new genetics and is revolutionizing how we understand ourselves and the health of those around us. His latest book, Radical Beauty, coauthored with Kimberly Snyder, C.N., is a revolutionary new way of helping you realize the true beauty that is your birthright!
Dr. Chopra is one of “The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness.” The World Post and The Huffington Post global internet survey ranked Chopra #17 influential thinker in the world and #1 in Medicine.
QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, Change Your DNA, Instantly Change Your Life.™
To learn more about breakthroughs in quantum science and technology, and develop practical techniques to apply to your daily life, explore QDNA® Quantum Living Programs and follow the latest news, tips and resources at QDNA® What’s New and explore QDNA® Professional & Business Programs held at locations world-wide each year.
Explore this and many other transformational books, online courses, lectures and workshops from Deepak Chopra, The Chopra Center and The Chopra Well, visit:
The Chopra Center | Chopra.com and pick up a copy of the
Deepak Chopra Dream Weaver App,
The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times and other best-selling books by Deepak Chopra.
The Future of God: A Practical Approach to Spirituality for Our Times is available at the
QDNA® Store and on Amazon.com |
The Future of God.
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Source: Date: September 06, 2016 | YouTube.com/TheChopraWell | Consciousness
Posted In: QDNA®, Reality, The Filed, Dreams, Quantum Living, Lifestyle, Consciousness, Human Evolution, Divine Matrix, Intracellular Holographic Matrix™

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Marina Rose, QDNA® Founder Activator, Actuator and Advisor™
Marina Rose is an alternative health pioneer who employs cutting edge techniques that sit squarely at the intersection of the most leading edge scientific research and the ancient arts of traditional mind-body-energy medicine. She is the founder and developer of QDNA®, Quantum DNA Acceleration®, a revolutionary new technique for quantum growth in life and business. She offers seminars, programs, lectures, and private sessions in QDNA® that accelerate personal and professional transformation.
Marina has been an alternative healing arts and wellness facilitator for the past twenty-one years and holds certifications in more than twenty-four healing modalities. She is a highly respected facilitator, educator and lecturer in the field, with private practice based in Venice, California. Marina is the author of numerous articles on health and wellness, and is the author of The Magnificent Human Experience: Explorations In Consciousness and The Human Body, a weekly blog dedicated to far ranging topics that bridge the worlds science, health and spirituality.
Marina Rose has clients in 60 countries and all over the United States. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and lectures and practices QDNA® in locations worldwide.
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The Magnificent Human Experience
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About | Marina Rose, QDNA®
Marina strongly believes that there is nothing that cannot be healed or transformed when the mind, body and emotions are in balance. From over two decades of professional experience, Marina has developed a broad range of instructional programs, seminars and a complete line of organic products to support health and healthy living.
Marina has also developed highly customized QDNA® Business Programs designed to assist in decoding, reconstructing, and recoding patterns of belief, to literally re-wire the brain for success, improving creativity, innovation, and productivity. These combined personal and professional QDNA® programs offer a unique opportunity to recondition the mind, body and spirit for far reaching and lasting results.
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